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23 April 2014

Samanyan Gyan Darpan April 2014 Download for free

Hello guys,
The samanya gyan darpan magazine's april 2014 issue is out in the market. This issue is full of general knowledge. It covers all the important events happend in the previous month including Bimstec Summit, 16th Lok Sabha election, resignation of Admiral D.K.Joshi and many more stuffs. Just browse through the article to have a look on it.

Issue Description:
Latest current affairs both International & National issues, Motivational, Socio-Political, Science & Technological articles, various exams solved papers & many more.

Samanya Gyan Darpan Hindi April 2014 Magazine Samanya Gyan Darpan April 2014 hindi pdf

is enriched with the following matter:

- An overview of recent events and activities in Domestic and International regions

- Information about jobs in the Government sector

- Career development and gives the youth right direction

- Solved question papers of Government competitive Exams

- And more...

Magazine Description:
The first and the largest selling Hindi 'Career Development Magazine' which even today is credited to be the only youth magazine among top 4 magazines in India as per the latest Indian Readership Survey (IRS). Truly a world-class platform for the Indian youth; this magazine is ideal for those aspiring to write competitive exams in the Private and Government sectors.

Magazine Details:-
Name: Samanya Gyan Darpan April
Issue: April, 2014
Language: Hindi
Frequency: Monthly
Country: India
Format: Pdf compressed to zip
Registration: Not Required
Price: 45 rs (e-version is free)

The download Link has been shared at the end of this post. The download is completely free of charge. All we want to do is share this e-magazine with lots and lots of people.

So, please contribute us by sharing this page on google plus, facebook, twitter and other social network sites. And don't forget to like our page. Also you can subscribe to our RSS feeds.


Terms and conditions of download: The soft copy of  SamayanGyan Darpan April 2014 issue provided here is specifically meant for offline reading purpose. You are not suppose to produce hard copy of it or republish it under any circumstances. If found so, only you will be responsible for that and you agree that pdgroup can take necessary action against what you did.

*No copyright infringement intended.

Your comments are appreciated..... ;)

Happy reading!!

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